About Me

My name is Robert Favela, I’m a photographer and videographer that specializes in heavy shadows and how shadows play with light, as well as being interested in playing with other visual niches such as video art. I keep my mission relatively simple as an artist and photographer; create work that piques my interest and that is personal. My work is intended to reflect what I find important in the moment and in the long term, mostly for myself. In addition to exploring the interplay of light and shadow, I also seek to delve into the complexities of human emotion, specifically in spiritual and religious contexts. Through my lens, I aim to evoke introspection and provoke dialogue, challenging viewers to contemplate the deeper layers of the human experience.

In essence, my creative journey is a continuous exploration of the human experience, driven by a want to discover interesting things that humanity experiences and does. With each photograph and video, I aim to not only capture the essence of the human experience but also to leave a lasting impression that resonates with viewers long after they've experienced my work.

Favela 2024